"Life itself is a haphazard, untidy, messy affair."
— Dorothy Day

— Dorothy Day
She is one of my heroes in this life. But I'll leave that post for another day. For now, I am working on capturing beauty through photography. Much of what I have so far falls more into the blurry category that the beauty one. I am learning to use a Nikon digital SLR and really have no clue what I am doing. Lots of guessing. Very little actually reading of the manual. First of all, it's boring. Second, who has time? So it's on the job training. Here I am trying to focus on the daffodil and blur the background.
Opposite results. Here I actually did it but have no idea how and can't seem to make it happen again!
So, some basic photography lessons are needed. Big time! I am now learning about aperture and shutter speed and most importantly how to use natural light. My goal is to learn to take pictures without the use of flash. If there happen to be amazing, professional quality photos on here in the near future (or year) I can assure you, it was pure accident! But over time, I do hope to find a way to have the camera capture the beauty my eyes can see. Now if only I could figure out how to change their size so they don't take 10 years to upload on the blog!
I leave you now with the some of the haphazard, messy and untidy things that make up our beautiful little life.
He must have known they were going to lose to Louisville yesterday.
Yes, this looks so sweet, but she's actually coloring on the floor and he's about to color with marker all over his pants.
This one is just sweet.
Happy Easter! Come see our giveaway.