Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Funny that my first post on here is not so different from the last post that's over two years old! I wrote this originally in my journal so I'd have a snapshot of my life at this time to look back on, but a friend encouraged me to share it. So, this blog that I have been meaning to resurrect is back. And who knows, maybe it won't take me two years to write the next post! 

I must admit, I was close to having our home life pretty together most of the time pre-baby #4.  I finally had worked out a laundry schedule that kept clothes clean and folded and even put away on a regular basis. Meals, though still not planned and written out weekly, were made and often prepared ahead of time. House tidied every night for sure and dishes always done at the end of the day. Homeschool rhythm was good. Three days a week – circle, story, craft/baking, hike/outdoor time. Two days a week – out of the house. Grocery day and library day and homeschool group day were consistent and same day every week. Visits with friends were regular.

There was some balance. But I knew, as parents do, that this would all change. I am sure we will find our groove once again. And order, in the way that I was getting close to having, may still be two years out. Minimum.

Here’s what my days look like now with a 3 week old in the mix with a 2, 4, and 6 year old, pretty much regardless of which day of the week it is:

7:00 Rob takes older kids down to make breakfast
I stay in bed and nurse baby who has been awake nursing on/off since 5am.
She poops.
I bring her down to change her in front of warm fire that Rob has just started
Nurse her again.
Set her in her baby chair to sleep.
Maevey comes by to give her ‘teeeeny kiss’
Wakes her up. Baby cries.
Burp her. Nurse her..
Rob brings me a cup of coffee that I gulp down.
Set baby down.
I get up to finally go pee since I have had to go since 5am.
Kid spills a drink. Cries. Needs more.
Rob is outside letting animals out.
I stop to help crying kid.
Other kid wants more this or that.
I say just a minute (but know that if I don’t help, they may help themselves and make bigger mess).
I help them. Apparently in the wrong way.  ‘But IIIIII wanted to put the honey on my oatmeal’
10 minute tantrum ensues
Seeing a chance to get away since he will be busy crying for a while, I head to bathroom now intending to pick up some clothes from the laundry bin of clean clothes on the way.
Dig quickly but can’t find anything. Clean shirts are upstairs. That will have to wait. The shirt will just be covered in breast milk and spit-up momentarily anyway.
While in bathroom, I see that I accidentally left clothes in washer all night.
Swear to self cause it may cause mold build up in our high maintenance (I  mean high efficiency) washer
Throw the clothes in dryer.
See that Nuala left her jammies and dirty undies on the floor along with little shredded pieces of tp all over and toilet not flushed.
Decide whether to reprimand her or just clean it up.
Come out of bathroom (still wearing jammies)
Find that Rob has since come in and dealt with tantruming four year old.
Baby is getting 'hugged' by Maeve and wakes up
Baby crying
I pick up baby and burp her and soothe her and put her back in chair.
Rob gets ready for work
Fire is about to go out, I set baby down and throw a log on
Phone rings. I think about getting it. Ha! I’d love to, but that will have to wait.
Kid spilled something again
I go to clean it up and find the floor all sticky
A kid tried to get and pour (and spill) apple cider all by himself.
Quickly throw a rag down to soak that mess up
Maeve tells me she pooped in her diaper. I change her and get her dressed for the day.
Baby crying again
Soothe baby and set her down
Walk away to get the breakfast Rob made for me an hour ago, now cold.
Baby cries harder, needs to nurse
Get baby and nurse her at table while I eat
Table a mess, floor disgusting
Kids now engaged in some morning play
Put baby down, head back to kitchen to get a much needed glass of water (should have probably already had two by now)
Kid in other room screams
All I hear is ‘markers!!! Maeve!!’
Abandon getting water and I head out to deal with that and hopefully prevent catastrophe (imagining the piles of clean and folded clothes on the table, including Rob’s good shirts covered in marker stains)
Not so bad, kid covered in marker but no other damage
I take markers from all kids
I bargain that the tops have to go on when done and we only write on paper and art must stay at the small table (hahaha, yeah.)
Baby crying.
Maeve saw her chance to abandon markers and head to unsupervised baby
‘Just a teeeeeny kiss mommy!’
Baby awake.
Fire out.
I’m still thirsty for that glass of water. (remember the nursing books that talk about sitting calmy and so lovingly nursing and always having a full glass of water next to you. Hahaha!)
Kids declare they are hungry. Again.

And it’s not even 10am.

But it’s all exactly as it’s meant to be. 

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